Sunday, July 26, 2009

My Mentally Ill Family

My husband has bipolar disorder. I am beginning to think his entire family is- in some way- mentally ill. The way they act just doesn't seem normal to me.

Maybe it's because I come from a very loving-huggy-kissy type family. We tell each other when something is wrong and we always try to help each other, no matter what.

Mr. Bipolar's family is not like that. They are unemotional and somewhat unloving. I am beginning to think it is unhealthy for him and us.

After he was officially diagnosed, Mr Bipolar called his mom and told her he was bipolar. You would think she would be happy to know there was a reason for all the erratic behavior she had put up with when he was younger. Apparently, she didn't tell anyone- not even his Dad. As a matter of fact about 2 years later the subject of hubby being bipolar cam up when both his parents were here ( a rare occasion indeed that they are at our house) and his mother denied knowing! But that is how his family is. They don't talk about people being sick. It's just not mentioned.

Earlier this year, when Mr Bipolar was in yet another car wreck, I went to his mom, without him knowing- because he was in a real bad way at the time- and tried to talk to her. I wanted them, his parents, to understand that I was NOT going to let him take my car to work everyday. He worked 45 minutes away. He getting ticket after ticket and now a wreck. I would take him to work and pick him up- even though that would be a burden- but he was not taking my car. The last thing we needed was him to wreck it too. I know it sounds mean. But in his state of mind it was the right thing to do. If he had been normal, him taking my car would not have been an issue. Anyway, I wanted them to understand why I would be doing this and I tried to talk to her to see if she really understood what him being bipolar meant. She said she did. I even sort of believed her.

I have never been real close to his family. But I do try. They are different from us. But they are his family and I have always thought that they really loved him. My babies- these are their grand kids. They love them right? I am beginning to wonder.

My mother in law- after my visit a few months back, actually called me a couple of times to check and see if Mr Bipolar was getting better. He was- for a while. The phone calls stopped. I try to reach out. I call to tell her when the baby hits a new milestone- what our oldest daughter is doing. I go to visit when her mom is in town.

3 weeks ago Mr Bipolar was fired. I called his mom to let her know. See, I think he really needs his family. He wants their approval. He wants and needs to know they love him. Everybody wants their parents to love them right? I tried to tell his mom, in my visit a few months ago, that hubby really needed to know someone, besides me, cared about him. I'm guessing it didn't sink in.

Since Mr Bipolar lost his job- they have not called at all to check on us. I told Mr bipolar that I called and told his mom- they were gonna find out and I knew he wouldn't call and tell her. He wasn't mad at all. She knows that he knows I told her. We have 2 kids here. Do they not care if we don't have money for food? I'm just shocked.

Now, don't get me wrong. I don't want their money. And I will say- they have money. They have helped us in the past. It always comes with stipulations and lectures. It's never "out of love." As a matter of fact- his mother, who makes a pretty good living on her own has never once given us a dime on her own. The couple of times Mr Bipolar asked her for anything she always says- Talk to your Dad. With Dad- everything is business, literally. He is a lawyer. Maybe it's just his nature. Anyway, right now. We are Ok. I don't expect them to call and offer over any money. That's not like them. I don't even expect them to call to see if we need money for food- I don't think they would. But you would think they would at least call to see if their son was ok. Maybe check on how the job search was going. At the very least, check to see if the grand kids were being fed. But no- No phone calls at all. They are on vacation right now.

I just don't get it. He needs them- at least he needs to know they care. Maybe they are afraid if they call then Mr Bipolar will ask for money. I don't know what the reason could be. I think it's sad. He needs someone besides me. He needs to know his family cares for him. Why don't they get that.

It's gotten to where I just can't stand it. I don't want to be around them. I think the relationship we have with them is toxic. When things are good, for us, they call occasionally. I guess they expect when things are good we won't need any money so it's safe to call. Things are bad- and we here nothing. I would have thought his mom would have called me- just to see how he was.

I feel I have to be careful what I say about all this. I don't think Mr Bipolar sees it all. Right now, I think he could care less if they or anyone else called. They are his parents. He wants their approval. I really hope one day he'll either truly get it or see how they really are. But I can't say much. In the past when I have- he always says "they are still my parents."

My parents- they don;t have any money, never have. But they would sell everything they have to help us. They would give us every extra dime to make sure my kids were taken care of- if that is what needed to be done. Hubby's parents don't even call........ It just blows my mind.

Maybe one day I'll get up the nerve to confront them. Until then, I just wonder what they are thinking.


Anonymous said...

Hi, just wanted to say I stumbled across your blog on blogspot, and was very relieved to find it! I have a bi-polar husband too, and reading your blog lets me know that I am not alone!

paralel world of mine said...

hi just came across your blog as i was doing my own research on living with someone with bipolar, my husband has just been diagnosed with bipolar and i relate so much to your story, especially about his family showing no emotions.. my family and i are very affectionate and we talk nearly every week or even everyday, my oldest brother has left to another part of the country and yet we communicate daily via email or tex just so he can support me with my husband, as hubby's family i am reluctant to tell them because i am pretty sure that they would be blaming me for his sickness.. but yet they dont see that they are ones that could be at fault... eg they have no emotions, they dont support each other, they live in the same house but dont talk to each other...

If i may offer you any advise is to keep doing what your doing, with his family.. i show his family affection and hopefully they can change their ways..
thanks for your blogg and will keep monitoring your blog..

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Anonymous said...

I am sorry I have to say this as a woman with bipolar. I get how you must feel. And how I understand that is bc I live with this everyday. Imagine being bipolar with an unloving, uncaring family and being referred to as "Mr. Bipolar" that would personally hurt and offend me. I am not my disease as you would not call someone "Mr. Cancer", same applies here. However, you can't change his family and during periods of untreatment you hurt people tremendously as I'm sure you are all to familiar with. Watching people you love and need step out of your life-mentally or physically hurts like hell. And you don't know why at the time. Its a sad, sad thing. And when you do realise it, its usually too late. True understanding and compassion are what is needed to even begin to fight this. And causing extra stress of high expectations of family members is fruitless and only adds to the already large heap of obstacles. Accepting the fact for whatever reason they don't care, etc and just moving on together in the best way you can is honestly the best thing to do for you and your husband. Either they join the team or they sit on the sidelines. That's up to them.

Earthmommy said...

Sometimes you just have to accept that things are what they are. People that are bipolar come from bipolar families and MARRY bipolar people. Your hubby's parents don't take meds. Imagine your hubs (or remember you hubs) without meds. And be grateful that he takes them. Also men are full of pride about "taking care" of their families, and sometimes they just can't. So either get rid of him, or stop complaining. Do have the conversation with him where it is on the table that you do most or all of the caretaking. If he denies his behavior (the car thing), pleasantly ignore him until he admits it. I think this is a valuable site too, but I also believe you have a lot of growing to do, and you could have a better life. The spouse of a bipolar is almost always bipolar, and it doesn't mean you can't do the things you do, just means you would handle things better if you took your own meds. Sounds like you need antidepressants so you stop thinking everything is about you, and are constantly annoyed. Good Luck to you. Ps only a bipolar (or depressed mood disorder etc) person would write a blog about how her biplar husband is a pain in the ass;) My husband and I are both bipolar, have two young babies, and I do most of the work. However we both takes meds, enjoy life, and we have discussed the actual work load and how I must do most of the thinking (he does not like to think too much on his meds). he does have a bit of pride about his very smart mind being so useless (not totally) but when he is not annoyed about that, he actually does half the work, just not the work he wishes he could do.

Anonymous said...

Thank you drumface. This is the most whiny blog I've ran across in a long time. I'm bipolar. I'm unreliable. I'm undependable. I might decide to go to California tomorrow because I want to see the sun set over the ocean. Since I know this and my family knows this, we have input measures for my safety as well as theirs. I have limited access to money, even though I make over half of it. My wife has the education and training to take care of our family if necessary, and it has been necessary at some points in the past. I get along very well with my parents and siblings but I've never asked them for money, let alone asked them twice. That's what our savings and financial planning are for. I understand that living with someone that's bipolar is difficult. I have no idea how my wife handles it but the reality is, she has chose to stay with me and work with me to manage my illness. She doesn't have to. She can leave at any time but she has chosen not to. It was her choice. I would be incredulous to find out after choosing to stay with me of her own accord, she later turned around and complained about it. Please get a job, open a daycare, blog for money, whatever, but stop complaining and expecting other people to pay your bills.

RoyJonesJr said...

You really have to stop using "they." Your spouse doesn't represent every person with bipolar disorder.

Teresa said...

I feel like I wrote every single word. :(