Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Symptoms of a Bipolar Episode

Each bipolar patients symptoms will be different. I can only write about my experience with my bipolar husband. I think there are some general symptoms that are associated with manic depressive disorder and others that are unique to the patient.

I find some of my husband's symptoms are hard to notice in the beginning. I eventually see them, but no one else ever does. Only those of us closest to someone who is bipolar would notice them. The smallest change in behavior should send up a red flag. I think these early symptoms are important because- in my husbands case- if we catch it early enough, we may be able to stop an episode before it really gets started. I know it sounds paranoid to analyze every little thing, but I have learned through experience that nothing is to small to be symptom. You just have to watch and pay attention. Sometimes it's not until your in the middle of an episode that you can look back and say "ok I noticed ___ but didn't think anything of it." Next time, you'll remember.
Trying to learn and be able to recognize those early symptoms is a process and it's never ending. On top all that- new symptoms, new signs that something may be wrong pop up frequently. You just may not know that they mean something until your reflecting on the situation.

Early Symptoms I've learned to recognize
Remember, each bipolar person is different in some ways. These hold true to my husband.
Some of these are unique to him and others, from the reading I have done; are more common to bipolar disorder in general. I thought this list may help some of you who are new to dealing with this.

  • stops caring about personal hygiene
  • seems very distant
  • talks to much or to little
  • doesn't sleep well
  • eats more than normal or stops eating
  • talks alot about things he wants (not needs)
  • lies- about anything and everything, even unimportant stuff
  • finds a reason to justify everything
  • hides stuff- anything even if it doesn't matter

As well as these, doing or saying anything completely out of character should be a big red flag. For example, my husband drives faster when he has a manic episode. His speeding starts very early on and is one of these first symptoms I can notice.

Remember, each bipolar person has thier own unique symptoms- you have to learn to see them!

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