Monday, February 16, 2009

Crazyness of Bipolar Episodes

Just like any other spouse of a manic depressive, I've had to deal with the crazy things that the manic side of bipolar disorder has caused my husband to do.

I've certainly dealt with the normal over spending, charging up credit cards, buying stuff we (or he) didn't need. Sometimes it does go a little over board- or even completely out of hand. I'm not gonna try and list everything he's ever done or bought. This post is just to highlight some of the more extreme incidents.

On a side note, after reading other peoples stories across the Internet, I think I am lucky to some extreme. Mr Bipolar has never been unfaithful, left his family or been violent. And while I am madly in love with him, there are some things that just can't be fixed.

OK Now for my list! These are in no particular order.

1. This would fall under over spending but because of the situation surrounding it I still consider it extreme. Our oldest daughter was 7 months old- and needed a crib. Mr Bipolar switched jobs and was out of work for about 2 months in between. We had to live off our credit cards. He started his new job but had to go out of town for 2 weeks for training. By this point we had $100 left on our credit card (the others were maxed out). The money was supposed to be used to buy the crib for our daughter but I was waiting until he got a check just in case there was an emergency and we needed that last bit of money. While he was out of town, he and all the guys he worked with went out to dinner and he decided to buy everyone drinks. Yep- he charged up the last $100 in drinks.

2. He once lost a $1000 in one week on video poker. This is when I opened a separate checking account.

3. He ordered a $30000 truck off the Internet and didn't tell me. He needed a new truck but we couldn't afford it, but that didn't stop him.

4. He opened a new credit card, without me knowing, then charged $1500 to a strip club for access to the VIP room (good for 1 year).

5. So Mr Bipolar worked as a car salesman for a while. Sales got really bad because of the high gas prices. The last month he was there he made $250- that's it! Our family helped us get by. He found a new job, but before he left the dealership he bought a motorcycle.

6. Did I mention when he bought the motorcycle (in the same month he only made $250) I was pregnant. And, he doesn't know how to drive the motorcycle. Actually, he didn't even know how to crank it.

7. We owned a business for a while (a restaurant). Mr Bipolar jumped through hoops to get this business, which he should have been great at running since- aside for the brief stint at the car dealership- all he has ever done is manage restaurants. In his worst, longest lasting manic episode ever he just decided he didn't really want to work there. He was paying people to do that- so he hardly ever went. We eventually lost the business and had to file bankrupt.

8. He flipped over his truck (supposedly a tire blew out) but he had been drinking. He crawled out and walked up to the nearest gas station and bought a beer- then walked back to the wrecked truck. Why? He said so the cop couldn't accuse him of drinking and driving.

This is just a small list. I suppose I could go on and on.
Anyone else want to share what crazy things your bipolar spouse has done while manic (or depressed).

1 comment:

Carol said...

Wow. I started to type in some of the things my husband has done, most of them involve money. He's stolen from me, maxed out credit cards I didn't know he had, bought an ATV 4-wheeler (with my name on the loan) without my knowledge...he just came home with it one day...he got really stupid tattoos on his forearms, where he SWORE for years that he would never get them...for a while there, he was going to the emergency room every weekend for "back pain"....I could go on and on!!!